
The interview!

I interviewed Mr. Chen; he comes from China of Hong Kong. He came to Japan for 2 years and a half, his wife is Japanese they live in KYOTO. Before they came to Japan they lived in England, so they acquainted in England. His wife is a homemaker and he is a teacher. He has three daughters they are eleven, eight, and five years ago, they go to international school.
Mr. Chen said: I like Japan because Japan’s seasons are very clearly, in England is very cold and the winter is longer than Japan. I think Japan is an interesting country, people are very kind, it is really a safe country and Japan is a new experience for me, but Japanese speak English not so good and lots of people can’t speak English, so I think this is not good for communication.


My holiday!

I did a bit of shopping and sleeping in my holiday, and then the new year of Japan betwen the holiday, so I went to the shrine and did the fortune slip. Because I want to know about my future: undertaking, studies, and my family. Then I threw 1000円 and shook the bell and made some wishes for my family and myself. so this was my holiday I think it was very enjoyable.


Bunin fever

I will talk about famous person called Bunin. He was born in 1966. He is a pianist. When he was 19 years old he took part in a high authority piano contest. He won an overwhelming victory, and then he appeared on every media circles and from that time his fan in Japan greatly increased. They called it “Bunin fever”. Bunin thinks he comes to Japan because fans are very friendly, and he is holding visit to Japan concert frequently in a period. His wife also is Japanese and they have their own house in Japan.


We like street stall

In this society there are lots of food and drink which appeal to people from every country, some famous food such as spaghetti from Italy, western-style food, Chinese food and Japanese food, but the street stall is to my liking.
Through this survey, I leaned how people like the street stall. For example: for first question, whether boy or girl all agrees to have street stall in their country, and they don’t think it is dirty but they think it isn’t good for health. Although in Japan they have street stall, they don’t usually buy food, they just like the street stall. But I usually buy food at street stall in my country. But I am not usually buy food at street stall in Japan, because I can’t see many street stall in Japan.

Street stall

1) Do you like street stall? In my country have a lots of street stall in every city, in your country have street stall?
A. Yes B. No

2) What kinds of street stall do you like?
A. Chinese noodle
B. Barbecue
C. Snack
D. other cooking
E. any others or food

3) Some people think that the street stall is dirty, or bad for our health. What do you think about it?
A. Never think dirty
B. Just a little dirty, if we eat it, it is ok
C. We can’t eat it, because it is bad for health
D. Any others
4) If have a street stall in your country, what view do you have?
A. I like street stall, because it has many kinds of food, it can meet the needs of me.
B. I like street stall, but I don’t usually buy food.
C. I don’t like street stall, but I am not opposed to it.
D. I hate street stall, because it is very dirty, so I am opposed to have having street stalls in our country.

Li Lianjie

I’m going to talk about Jet Li. His Chinese name is(李连杰 ). He was born on April 26, 1963. He is a Chinese martial artist actor, and international film star. His first role in a Hollywood film was as a villain in Lethal Weapon 4 in 1998, but his first Hollywood film leading role was in Romeo Must Die in 2000.He went to Hollywood because Hollywood is the most famous movie business in the world and he wants to be a international star and it bigger than China.
He agreed to do Lethal Weapon 4 after the producer Joel Silver promised to give him the leading role in his next film, Romeo Must Die (2000) which was a box office hit launching his career as a leading man in Hollywood.


Friday, October31st, 2008

Explain the picture
This picture like when the festival of Japan, people goes the shrine makes a wish and says their prayers. In this picture we can see Japanese celebrate festival and we can see a kind of snacks.