
The interview!

I interviewed Mr. Chen; he comes from China of Hong Kong. He came to Japan for 2 years and a half, his wife is Japanese they live in KYOTO. Before they came to Japan they lived in England, so they acquainted in England. His wife is a homemaker and he is a teacher. He has three daughters they are eleven, eight, and five years ago, they go to international school.
Mr. Chen said: I like Japan because Japan’s seasons are very clearly, in England is very cold and the winter is longer than Japan. I think Japan is an interesting country, people are very kind, it is really a safe country and Japan is a new experience for me, but Japanese speak English not so good and lots of people can’t speak English, so I think this is not good for communication.


My holiday!

I did a bit of shopping and sleeping in my holiday, and then the new year of Japan betwen the holiday, so I went to the shrine and did the fortune slip. Because I want to know about my future: undertaking, studies, and my family. Then I threw 1000円 and shook the bell and made some wishes for my family and myself. so this was my holiday I think it was very enjoyable.